The Prisoner Collection

The Prisoner Collection


A collection of items inspired by the cult 1960’s TV series – The Prisoner. 100mm Penny Farthing no6 Plaque/Coaster 70mm Penny Farthing no6 badge + pin holder Be seeing you fobs – 2 versions Penny Farthing no6 fob Penny Farthing no6 engraved mini badge. There are various options for printing PennyFarthingDiscEmbossed.stl : This is a 100mm Penny Farthing no6 Plaque/Coaster. The design is embossed outwards in two levels with the number 6 being the tallest element to allow for 2 filament colour changes to be set when slicing. PennyFarthingDiscEngraved.stl: This is similar to above, but the design is engraving inwards. You can then print the accompanying Penny Farthing & No6 which should fit perfectly in to the engraved groove. Again, this allows for different colours and has an almost completely flush surface, which maybe better as a coaster. Glue the Penny Farthing & No6 into the groove with a slow setting glue like plastic model (UHU) glue as it doesn’t need to be super strong and cyanoacrylate sets too fast while trying to apply minute amounts all over. PennyFarthingOutline.stl and No6.stl Just the outline for above (PennyFarthingDiscEngraved.stl) BeSeeingYou_Plaque.stl : Embossed be-seeing-you plaque. Set a colour change at the required height. BeSeeingYouFob.stl and BeSeeingYouFob_ver2.stl : Smaller fob versions of above BeSeeingYou_Plaque. PennyFathingFob.stl : Embossed Penny Farthing fob. Set 2 colour changes at the required heights. Badge70.stl : 70mm badge version of PennyFarthingDiscEmbossed.stl. 2 levels allow for 2 colour changes. BadgePin.stl : For the Badge70.stl above. Pause the print at about 3.6mm to place a safety pin. Glue to back of Badge70 with super glue cyanoacrylate. MiniBadge.stl : Just a small single print engraved mini badge. Pause the print at about 4.8mm to place a safety pin. Enjoy. be seeing you…



