SANWA Rose 4-way (+ 2-way horizontal/vertical)

SANWA Rose 4-way (+ 2-way horizontal/vertical)


A 4-way "rose" for a Sanwa stick. (Same type as in donkey kong) great for for way games. And yes, I know you can "turn" the original Sanwa gateway to achieve a straight 4-way gate, but I personally like the rose one, and this one clips on top of the original one, making it supereasy to change. It takes 2-3 seconds to mount and dismount this one! The print is supertaight so it realy snaps into place if everything works out on your printer as it does on mine(a Prusa MK3) In this collection you have: The "rose" gate, 4 way. One gate for vertical games One gate for horizontal games One "clamp" that you can use if you need to hold the gate into place. This piece is not always necessary, but for some it might be!



