99 cent ABL

99 cent ABL


99cent ABL Wire the switch in series with the Z end stop switch. Be sure to use the N.C. contacts in your switch. Add some g-code to your startup code in cura or octoprint. This worked for me in octoprint when using the Marlin 2.0 settings below. G90 G28 G29 M500 M420 S1 G0 Z40 F1500 Here are the lines I've used In Marlin 2. Z_MIN_PROBE_USES_Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN //No need for a pin27 breakout board FIX_MOUNTED_PROBE //probe doesn't move // usually for a capacitive or inductive probe NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { -36, 0, -8.75 } //set this to actual measurements on your unit AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR //Ender 3 doesn't have the memory to use UBL RESTORE_LEVELING_AFTER_G28 //With this M420 S1 shouldn't be needed, but suspenders and belt... ENABLE_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT PAUSE_BEFORE_DEPLOY_STOW //waits for you to deploy or stow z probe when homing or leveling // This makes using the manual probe simple I have not tried it in Marlin 1.x.x I am not responsible for any damage if you forget to deploy or stow the probe or if the settings and instructions provided were not correct or complete.



