Nintendo Switch Veritcal Portrait Grip w/OpenSCAD file
I know there are other vertical mounts for the Switch out there on Thingiverse, but I decided to make my own for the experience. I also wanted to slide the joycons in the bottom for maximum support while playing. I would not hold the switch upside down with this design. However, I really like that when in the proper playing orientation the console is very well supported. It has cutouts for the air intake, air exhaust and front speaker. The console slides in very smoothly as well. The cutout for it matches the profile of the console very closely. The joycon mounts also match the profile of the joycons. I decided to design this in 3 parts that fit together with dovetail joints because when I printed test joycon mounts with the track in the vertical direction I was not happy with the resolution I was able to get on the track and did not want to have to force the joycons on and off the tracks. By printing them track-down I am able to get a very thin track for the joycon to ride on. I was really happy with how smoothly the joycons slide into the mounts I printed. If you pull them down they will side off without pressing the release button, but I think that is due to the shape of the locking mechanism on the joycon. I would be curious to see how well these would hold if remixed to slide in vertically. However, I was more comfortable with them holding the console well being slid in from the bottom. I decided to print the screen mount vertically so that I would not need to use supports.