Cat Litter Cleaning Reminder (Arduino Nano)

Cat Litter Cleaning Reminder (Arduino Nano)


Hi, I wanted to share this cat litter cleaning reminder I made for myself. I need to clean our cats litter box every two days and wanted a cool way to be reminded. The process flow is as follows: Once arduino is reset or turned on, sleep for 48hrs. After 48 hrs rotate servo (arms) down and up. Flash Clean LED and buzzer Wait 30mins then repeat above step. Video attached to show the function (time periods were reduced). The LED i used can sometimes be quite dim, that's why i also added a buzzer. You will need to remove the ISP connectors on your Arduino Nano. I hot-glued a reset switch on the left. There is space in the top for an RTC (i didn't use one) and the buzzer, unfortunately i only had access to the large piezo speaker in the images, so i double-sided taped it to the back. I also had some issues with the servo arms as there seems to be variation from brand to brand, you will need to adjust yours accordingly. I've also attached my arduino code, however this was my first arduino project so please be kind ;) Things to glue: For the front face you will need to also print the screw mounts and super glue them on. For the arms you will need to print the servo mount and guide rail and super glue them on. You will need supports from buildplate for most items since you need the mounting spaces for the screw/servo mounts and guide rail.






