RamjetX T3PA and Pro Load Cell

RamjetX T3PA and Pro Load Cell


*Updated 18/08/2020* This is a quick upload of my T3PA load cell mod that now has the T3PA Pro mount. Added, the Inverted V2 T3PA Pro slide on cover, this is necessary for the inverted pedal configuration. You'll also move the mounting case to the last screw for this to line up... You'll figure it out... On the note of code... I've added the latest release of the my code... I've greatly simplified it, added pedal support for throttle and clutch.. There is not a single MODE_BUTTON on Pin 2 for reset zero/binding/sensitivity.... - Press for less than 3 Seconds = Binding mode ... this will automatically 'press' the pedal for binding in the game controls setup - Press and hold 3 to 10 Seconds = Reset Zero... this is useful if the pedal isn't reading zero pedal. Note, on power up... It auto zero's the pedal anyway. You'll probably never need this. - Press and hold greater than 10 Seconds swaps between low and high sensitivity. Trust me, leave it on low (default). If you need to see what it's doing, just open the serial monitor, it'll send messages to the serial port when you press the button. Electrically, I've done something a little different here by using some of the IO pins as virtual grounds.... This is how I can directly attach the HX711 to the pro-micro as the pins will line up from VCC, A3 ,A2 and A1. I've basically used A3 and A2 for data, and A1 in digital mode as a output low to provide the GND pin for the HX711... it's kinda cool and since it doesn't use much current, easy to reuse IO pins for grounds. Also, this case really supports the XFW-HX711 board... it's purely a dimension thing and easy access of the 0-ohm resistor to the 80Hz pads for fast pedal updates. So if your pedal feels laggy... you've probably not modded the HX711 board to 80Hz... See the attached picture to see how to do this Enjoy, and catch up with me on discord at simhubs channel Assembly instructions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWpvhk8MAJc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORqoNMyEje4






