Knurled Lockpick Handles (remixed) for Sparrows & Southord Slimline

Knurled Lockpick Handles (remixed) for Sparrows & Southord Slimline


I had some trouble extracting the individual picks from the original STL upload, so in this remix they are each in one file for the three Sparrows sizes, including the new larger .025" called Monstrum in the original post. There is also a version for SouthOrd Slimline. While at it I fine tuned the models and removed the supports to allow your 3D printing software to take care of them. In the first picture you can see a Sparrows .015" in white handle, a .025" in black handle in the middle and a .025" black large handle (Monstrum size) in the bottom. The second picture shows a Sparrows 0.20" in orange handle and a Southord Slimline 0.22" in black handle. Once printed I recommend finishing the edges with sandpaper. If you have problems fitting the picks into the handles, just insert them all the way you can and then leave them a few minutes in the Sun an try again. PLA becomes less rigid when heated.






