Schuberth C4 Pro Crash Helmet Intercom Adaptor

Schuberth C4 Pro Crash Helmet Intercom Adaptor


I do not take any responsibility for any damage you inflict upon your shiny new lid. All modifications are done at the users own risk. So I recently bought a Schuberth C4 Pro helmet. It's a great lid and comes with a whole load of built in comms gear (speakers, microphone etc) but not the actual comms electronics itself. This is another £150-£200 and in this case isn't what I want anyway. I wanted to be able to plug existing equipment into this helmet. Schuberth stated that it's not possible to use a wired connection (even with the £200 comms) so I decided to figure it out for myself. To my surprise I found that Gildardo had already started work on one which is what I've based this on (remix) My version is a bit thinner and has some plastic trimmed off to avoid catching on things. You'll need to sand the model to get it to fit. Whatever you do don't go inserting this thing all the way into the helmet slot without a way to get it out again... or at least sanding it enough so that it's a loose fit. I recommend making a small tab of black tape looped around the central crossbar so you can pull the module out. When looking at the model from the front (socket on the top right) the wiring is as follows: * Unused (Goes to battery compartment) * Unused (Goes to battery compartment) * Right Speaker Gnd (Black) * Right Speaker Signal (White) * Right Speaker Gnd (Black) * Left Speaker Signal (Green) * Microphone Gnd (Black) * Microphone Signal (Red) You could leave out the last two for the mic if you just wanted to have speakers only. The socket is a 4 pin 3.5mm audio jack. This is definitely a work in progress and needs a lot of refinement/testing. Print it using support.






