rc jet boat

rc jet boat


this rc model jet boat uses a standard brushless outrunner motor to drive the propeller. initially i chose a t-motor 1806 2300kv but this motor got quite warm. this new design can be used with a larger 2205 2500kv motor that can handle much larger currents. the assembly process can be seen in the following video: https://youtu.be/0CO0m-_FBK8 here's a video of the boat with a tiny 1806 2300kv motor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDB7Dv7-6Bg assembly of the most important components: - print all 16 parts - mount motor coupler to motor - mount propeller onto 4 mm axle - glue an 80 mm brass tube (outer diameter 5 mm, inner diameter 4 mm) into the hole of part number 1 (the tube has to protrude by around 8 mm into the inside of the boat - glue motor holder bottom to part number 1 - glue all pieces of the boat hull - glue the two pieces of the lid together - install servo, receiver, motor more information can be found here: http://www.muellerr.ch/jet-boat/







R/C Vehicles