OpenRC F1 Tesla CyberTruck Rear Frame and Truckbed for OpenrRC F1 Rear Suspension

OpenRC F1 Tesla CyberTruck Rear Frame and Truckbed for OpenrRC F1 Rear Suspension


Added clearance in the frame for the pinion and the suspension to move and added wheelwells for clearance in the truckbed. PSA! YOU REALLY NEED THE TRUCKBED, if you dont use it you might damage the wheels/motor/chassis of your car, even with tpu tires the original Bed printed in PLA melted when the TPU tires hit the chassis PSA! Two things to consider 1: weight if you are one of those that have 100% infil frames on their truck, you probably have to reprint the frame and the chassis in 7-15% infill to loose weight. The rear bumper weighs a lot in the back and the suspension does not like that. 2: use four springs on the suspension eventhough the f1 just uses 3. The suspension can fit 4 just clip the small metal thingi from the keystone terminals. The F1 weights a lot less, even with high fillrates There are two frame files in the pack, I strongly advice to use the Ver2.0 and then trim the center bar with a exactoknife/file/sandingpaper to get the movement of the suspension you want, It was optimal on my motor (the Racerstar 540 suggested by barspin), but depending on your setup it might be too low. Remember: even the tiniest change additional movement in the motor end causes a lot of movement in the axel end. If you are using a smaller motor you have create the backframe yourself from the original, just remember to add movement space for the pinion. The Sloppy version has A ton of movement it too much for my taste but Its there for bigger motors or if you just want to go balls to the walls on the suspension movement and dont care if the wheels hit the bed :) For the bottom backplate of the car use this version, it also gives a tad more clearance for the wheels: Since I got a few questions where I got the keystones from since the original link is dead, I ordered them from Digikey:







R/C Vehicles