Dial indicator mount
https://youtu.be/wcfe5d3acV0 Time lapse of the print https://youtu.be/F2z2RAy8p5Y Running custom gcode probe, 1 frame per second, machine 10% speed (normal speed is 50mm/sec). The Monoprice Mini Delta (MPMD) is well know for many things, horrible bed leveling is one. But with some work and the help of the facebook group you can get great prints on a budget. I typically re-level my bed every few months when prints start to become more and more difficult (adhesion). I wanted to see how far I could go, ( I have printed on fresh clean glass in the past). I seem to have a low spot and no amount of effort seems to fix, So I bought a dial indicator, and it never hurts to get some fusion 360 time. Writing a gcode file for automating the probing. Going to work a second version soon moving the dial indicator a small amount forward as it moves off the glass bed in current position. And may rotate to get the pi camera a better view. At this moment the machine is running the probe machine @ 200% speed but I slowed the speed way down so the 1 FPS will show in the timelapse better.