3M Filter cover PN 501 [no support needed]
Remix of existing design so it will not require support to be printed (the notches to keep the filter secured should print the overhangs without support just fine). This remix doesn't protect the filter as much as original design (the opening is bigger). However, it doesn't need as much filament and is faster to print and I dislike printing with support. I would strongly recommend to do what I did, buy original PN 501 cover, and use this only as an emergency while waiting for the shipment to arrive. The problem with all the 3D printed parts is that without postprocessing and leak testing we might make 3D parts that leak small particles (and defeating the protection, the layers have microscopic gaps). In this case, I hope it will be negligible as it is just a holder for the filter and not the whole mask. And there are multiple layers of filters behind the filter (in my case) and the path of air shouldn't go through the holder anyway. So I think it's better than nothing, but still there is a risk and do not expect performance like the original and getting original is still strongly advised. These are my opinions, do not hold me liable for whatever you decide to do :)