LG Stove Knob Repair
No need to spend $40 on a new white LG stove knob. The stainless steel (plastic) knobs sold at a discount don't fit. The post is too small. My son and I designed this to repair the existing white knobs to better-than-new condition. Print this part at 100% infill. We used PLA. The broken post collar must be removed down to the level of the fins (see picture). Needle-nose pliers and a sharp knife are what I used. Snap the printed part into the knob so the holes are centered. When the "Off" label on the dial is up, the flat of the D-shaft hole should be down. Tighten the screws gently and don't over-tighten. You're ready to put it on the stove. The part makes a tight fit on the post, so you may need to melt the plastic a little to get it to slide on. I used a lighter to heat the post for 30-60 seconds, then pushed hard until it slid on. If it doesn't go all the way on the first try, pull it off, reheat, and it will go further. Push until it bottoms out. Allow to cool before you test it so you don't deform the hot, soft plastic.