Print Remover Remix

Print Remover Remix


While going through a million pages on here I stumbled on a print remover that I think is a great idea! I apologize for not linking this properly as a remix but I can't seem to find the original creator via search, his name is Robert Morgan and name is Product Remover, Robert if you see this, please PM me and I will link your file on here. Someone had commented that hitting with a hammer was funny, but actually it's a good idea, not with hammer but having a "butt" end for "tapping" is brilliant. I am one of few that have prints that feels like it's been crazy glued on the platform. Hard to pry when you have a Mylar sheet instead of glass. I literally almost ripped my whole bed off trying to pry one of the prints out especially when it's a large flat surface base. I've put this to the test, working great! I literally have like 5 different scrapers, lifters, removers and this one is working best so far. If you have a print that's being a pain, slip it on the edge and just give a "light" tap with the handle of a screwdriver, works wonders. I made some alterations to this already great design, more comfortable grip and a larger butt end for easier tapping. Kudos to Robert for this design!



