DnD 5e Sorcerer Spell Tracker
##### EDIT 7.24.2020 New Tray v3! Now has dots by each spell slot number to indicate how many Sorcery Points it costs to create another spell slot of that level. Some other minor improvements as well, see picture for details. I've removed the older versions of the tray. If you want them for some reason, leave a comment and I'll put them back. ##### EDIT 7.13.2020 Added `Tray v2` with additional spell slots at level 8 and 9 by request to handle boons/feats that grant additional higher level slots. Thanks for the suggestion! ##### EDIT 7.6.2020 Added three new spell tokens by request. Also uploaded pictures of all tokens! Note that the tokens have different heights so the color changes can be done by changing the filament during the print. You DO NOT need a multi-extruder or MMU setup to make the tokens with different colors. New Spell tokens: - Skull - Star (Pentagram) - Lute Note that the lute strings are as small as I could make them and still get PrusaSlicer to see them. If your preferred slicer is ignoring them, leave a comment and I will do what I can to make it work for you. Happy printing! ##### EDIT 7.5.2020 Added three new spell tokens by request: - Fire - Bubbles - Captive Circle #### Original Summary My version of a spell slot tracker for Dungeons and Dragons. This one also tracks Sorcery Points and has slots for spell cards. The upper left slot has the Concentration icon to help me remember when I have a spell cast that requires Concentration. The other slot along the top can be used for other active spells. And the larger slots on the right side are to store un-cast spell cards. The numbered slots are for the coin-like spell tokens, and the round holes are for the jewel-shaped pieces to use as Sorcery Point trackers. My current sorcerer likes mushrooms and gold, so that drove the design of these tokens. In the future, I will most likely be adding new token designs. The little tray is perfect for keeping your favorite D20, or whatever else you may need close at hand. Happy printing!