


This is a CNC machine mainly built out of remaining parts from paper printers I dismantled to get parts for my itopie 3D printer. It uses 6mm diameter brass bushings and steel rods commonly found in paper printers that end end up being garbage when you are looking for the commonly used 8mm rods used for 3D printers. The stepper motors are Nema 17 out of paper printers to, the axes are driver on M6 treaded rods and nuts. However, this means that this CNC's axis won't be very rigid so don't expect to do high precision work on this machine, I'm mainly looking to machine PCBs and aluminium and learn enough to build a bigger CNC. Base and bridge are 16 mm thick MDF, all assembly parts are 3D printed with 6 mm long M3 brass inserts for the screws. I used screws from the printers I dismantled, mostly M3, but also 4 and 5 mm plastic screws. Also used screws from the hardware store for longer screws. To control the machine I used an Arduino Uno R3 and a CNC shield. Feel free to temper with the design as I will do. BOM : 3*Nema 17stepper motors X axis : 2x 222 mm 6mm diameter rod Y axis : 2x 232 mm 6mm diameter rod Z axis : 2x 150 mm 6mm diameter rod



