Philips Dreamstation filter adapter - to use as E30

Philips Dreamstation filter adapter - to use as E30


This is a filter adapter that could be helpful transform a Philips Dreamstation CPAP machine into a breathing assistance device for people with COVID-19. In collaboration with a local specialist, we worked to design and make this filter adapter that could avoid the need to buy a Philips Respironics E30, a ventilator recently put together and sold by the company to assist COVID-19 patients. It is very similar to Dreamstation machines in design, capabilities differ a little but they're meant to be disposable after the pandemic. The adapter is installed where the Dreamstation filter goes, a medical air filter is used as the primary air intake so the machine filters all particles and virus (including the COVID-19). A 2nd intake is placed after the filter to provide pure oxygen to the patient. I do not own a Dreamstation CPAP machine, nor any of the intellectual property of Philips. I also know that most of the 3D printed parts are porous and some of them are not watertight (especially those made with FDM), thus making them not recommendable to use for medical purposes. This is meant to be a prototype and a last resort option for any medical specialist in need of a ventilator or breathing assistance device during the COVID-19 pandemic.





