Sphero Strandbeest (metric)
This is a metric version of the PowerChainPro Sphero Landstrider #make5000. Full assembly documentation is included. For full access to all files, see: * https://gitlab.com/gratefulfrog/strand-beest Videos of the beest: * https://youtu.be/e9X277IN2qM * https://youtu.be/ax_s-vQBk8A A leg simulator just for fun! * https://gratefulfrog.gitlab.io/strand-beest/ I wanted to make the Sphero powered Strandbeest that was posted by PowerChainPro, but his design is all done in imperial units (US) and I am in Europe. Using his original stl files, I projected contours into dxf using openscad, then edited the dxf and re-imported it using linear and rotate_extrude. I also made a few additions and improvements, but all the credit for this model must go to him!! Thanks so much for all this fun!