RVR Duplo/Lego Compatible Mount Plate (with Cabling Adapters)

RVR Duplo/Lego Compatible Mount Plate (with Cabling Adapters)


"That's right everybody, I'm back and I've been upgraded thanks to my Human Master." (quote from Sphero RVR) This is the HOLLOW stud version of my famous RVR Duplo Plate, which means that other than DUPLO, hollow studs makes it compatible WITH Lego! You are probably wondering, "..but dad, how is that possible?" Well, the hollow studs allow the tubes within the Lego brick to fit within the hollow Duplo stud! How do I know this? Because I discovered this when I was bored and it never even occurred to me. I know, right? Additionally, I made these sweet-a** Duplo cabling adapters which are flat on the top BUT have little half circle slots on the sides (1 model has 2 openings and the other model has 4 openings)....this is perfect for keeping cables for your shizzle nice and tight to the mount plate and out of the way so you don't have some cluttered 'Griswold Christmas lights ball' wrapped all around your RVR, making it a real oopy-doopy (mess). Now, you are probably reading this and like, "is he on drugs?" The answer is no, I'm high on life and have been in quarantine for far too long. The third file is the popular RVR Duplo Mounting Plate (now known as the RVR Duplo 1.0 Plate), I wanted to include this for you because I just love you guys so much. Tips of ANY amount would be GREATLY APPRECIATED (I'm just a poor Catholic school teacher with several mouths to feed)






