Reinforced Glass Bed Corner Holders MSP

Reinforced Glass Bed Corner Holders MSP


Remix of the glass bed corner holders made by Aerlith_Kinspirit. I've added re-enforcement along the back and made the tabs stick out a bit more than the original design. These were printed in SUNLU Black PETG. I had to give each of the tabs a light sanding to get the glass bed to fit. It's snug, but I wanted to account for possible warping over time. I like this design as it makes it easy to remove the glass bed and the corners are out of the way of the extruder. I used the original clips for about a year. I had originally printed them in PLA and they warped over time. I had to stick paper shivs between the clips and the glass bed to keep it from wiggling. I'm hoping the thicker edges help resist any softening that occurs on the inner edges of the corners. PETG also has a higher glass temperature than PLA which should help. I also modified my bed for a three screw setup instead of the four corners. It's much easier to level now, but I notice the bed wiggles more during fast y-axis movements. I may adjust the acceleration to reduce this, but for now I'm just printing slower.



