Universal Bearing Mount

Universal Bearing Mount


This is an OpenSCAD file to create a universal bearing mount. You just need to change some variables to fit the exact bearing you have and maybe change some other settings (all commented) if you have a particularly large bearing for extra structural strength. All of the variables can be changed in customizer. Generally, measurements will be in mm but this will all be dependent on the slicer you use. There is a hole for an axle, this is also configurable in the variables. The bearing should be a tight fit. You may need to heat the part with a hair dryer in order to squeeze the bearing in. On my Ender 3 using curia low quality settings I need to add 0.21mm onto the outer diameter of a 7mm bearing in order to get a snug fit. I need to do a little more testing to decide if this is a fixed value for all bearing sizes or if it scales with size, and if print quality changes bearing diameter accuracy. If you are using this customizer today I suggest you do test prints before batching off. When I use these myself I fit as many as I can onto my bed at the same time, but I always print one first to check the sizes.






