Fishing Reel Hanger/Mount
I got tired of having my fishing reels lying around in the back of my SUV getting banged up. So, I wanted to design a mounting system in my SUV to hang my reels. I found, “Fishing reel hook/hanger, under shelf” on here and gave the leading idea of making this design. I decided to start from scratch instead of using BrookTrout’s model. It took over 14 versions to get the model right via dimensions and look. haha. Also, I really wanted the model to have slots for two bolts instead of having just one. I did not want the mount to be able to move at all. The bolt size that it is meant for is M4. After getting the model to print successfully with just generic PLA I re printed to final model with, SUNLU PLA Carbon Fiber, to ensure it will have efficient strength to it. M4 BOLT SIZE