RAISE3D N2 Plus Heatbreak/heatsink cooling fan shroud

RAISE3D N2 Plus Heatbreak/heatsink cooling fan shroud


Just got a used Raise3D N2 Plus. Previous owner had swapped to Noctua 40mm x 10mm fans, but still using a slightly modified original mount - which seemed very badly designed as it barely blows on the heatsink heatbreak section. Been having troubles with heat creep causing clogs when doing very long and slow first layers on large prints. Loosely inspired by the E3D V6 "snap-on" cooling fan mount. It snaps on with no tools and there is a little ridge that fits between two of the fins of the heatsink to orient. Simple seems better in this case and I probably lost a few grams by removing the long mounting bolts(I almost mounted the fan to the flange using a couple dots of super glue because the whole thing is so light it seemed like it would be fine). I think I made the screw/bolt holes .175" to be able to grab the original raise 3d mounting bolts but ended using a few small machine screws I had laying around. So far holding very firmly and no troubles with it shaking or melting. About 15 hours into a 24 hour ABS print taking up most of the bed and its working great. I made the part in ABS, designed to print with no supports and took less than an hour. I'm using on the left side extruder, but should work and mount identically on the right if you're still running dual. This frees up the second fan to use for dedicated part cooling which I may work on next if I can't find an elegant solution on here. Fan link - https://www.amazon.com/Noctua-Cooling-Blades-Bearing-NF-A4x10/dp/B009NQLT0M/ref=asc_df_B009NQLT0M/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312727440900&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16045144689457423455&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1013962&hvtargid=pla-399230324132&psc=1



