USS Valkyrie

USS Valkyrie


Star Trek Federation Carrier : USS Valkyrie NX-96919 (Typhon Upgrade) 05-02-2016, 08:29 PM Length: 2406.29m Width: 1209.30m Height: 602.55m The USS Valkyrie was Starfleet's follow up to the successful Typhon class mobile command carrier. Similar in overall design to the Typhon, the Valkyrie is over 7 times the length of the original prototype, making it the largest warp-capable construct in Federation history. Such are the proportions of the massive starship, its power requirements necessitated the addition of an extra pair of warp nacelles, bringing the total up to six. The Valkyrie is equipped with 180 Phoenix class attack fighters but accommodate over 200 of these as well as other service craft and shuttles. As well as the 30 fighter launch bays located on the port and starboard hull, the Valkyrie also includes two larger hangars at the rear which can each carry a Defiant class escort starship. The Valkyrie itself is equipped with standard energy shields and manoeuvrable turrets which can fire pulse phasers and torpedoes. The ship is also armed with several Type X phaser emitters and an experimental Transphasic Beam Lance, mounted on it's dorsal forward edge. The lance has not been perfected for frequent use and is currently only able to fire a single shot before needing to recharge for several hours. Like the original Typhon, the Valkyrie can enter into its own type of 'Fortress Mode'. However, this version utilises several hull mounted 'Ablative Armour' generators that create a tough, almost impenetrable solid shield around the vessel. This mode can be patially undeployed so that the weapons turrets around the perimeter are exposed and are able to fire. Whilst the armor is deployed, the Valkyrie cannot use it's Slipstream drive, but is able to go to conventional warp, albeit at a maximum speed of warp 8. The aim of the design was to be able to project a strong Federation presence in distant quadrants where fleets of starships would otherwise be necessary. As starbases and service yards are uncommon in such remote locations, the Valkyrie makes a logical alternative. It's sheer size and compliment making it fully self-sufficient and capable of maintaining itself and its compliment of support ships. Description as found in Model is based on CalamitySI on Devian Art from a file on The file can be found here: The file can be converted to STL by using the free version of Sketchup.






