Corruptor Class Battleship

Corruptor Class Battleship


I've recently pulled the trigger and jumped into Battlefeet Heresy (Gothic) head first after listening to a few Brace the Impact Podcasts, and watching a number of battle reports on YouTube (thank you Gorilla Miniature Gaming). Since then I fell in love with the Carrier type ships and when I was going through the Additional Ship Compendium I saw this beauty and knew it had to be my flag ship (until I get my Gloriana done). When I could not find an STL for the Corruptor anywhere I figured I would remix one on TInkercad. Happy void warfare, for the Warmaster! I will post a picture once I get it printed ... a few other things in the queue ahead of this guy. June 16 2020 Posted the pictures of the first completed print; this is the one that prompted me to toss the Desolator prow in and I think it fits better ... will print it again with the new prow shortly. A funny story behind this guy if interested PM me :) I have redone this a bit, wanted to make it look a bit bulkier as it is a Super Carrier and has the largest attack craft compliment of any ship made by mankind (ASC 2.0). The original prow is still in there (you can see my print) and it looks fine but I think the beefier Despoiler prow looks a lot better. Also added in two Lance Turrets I pilfered from an awesome Repulsive Grand Cruiser as well as the lower rear hull piece (I just resized it to fit the battleship better). Thanks again to Italianmoose and Warpweaver who did a lot more than I did here :)







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