ESP32 + BME 280 weather station v2 - with fan
### Outdoor weather station v2 with esp32 board and BME280 sensor Hi all, finally it's time to release v2 of my little weather station. This time it has a fan to mitigate showing too high values when in the sunlight. You'll need the following hardware parts for assembly: For the clamp: - 2 screws M4x18 or a bit shorter (if you only have longer, drill through first) For the body: - 1 screw M2x5 or longer (designed as through hole) to hold the BME280 - 4 screws M3 to hold your fan (designed as through hole, length depends on fan) - 1 40x40mm fan, it's designed for 10mm fan height but taller ones will fit as well For the lid: - A few drops of plastic glue to keep it in place in winds Assembly hints: - I screwed on the BME280 with the sensor facing up, to avoid particles be blown into it. - The fan is a standard 12V 40mm fan and is connected to the 3,3V on the esp32. There is no noise at all but a steady flow of air; this should be enough. Mine draws 50mA, which should be ok for the esp32, since we're not using one of the GPIO pins (12mA max. each) but the power supply which is fed by the overall voltage regulator on the board. - I thought about glueing Aluminum foil on the insides to prevent sunlight from messing with sensor readings. I'll test it a bit without now and see if I notice an impact when the sun comes out. - The esp32 board sits on it's own carriage with an opening below to allow all sorts of micro-usb connectors to be used, they should all fit. To keep the board in place, I used 2 very small strips of strong double-sided tape (Tesa power strips), but it would also stay in place without. I have designed this thing on June 13&14 2020 and put it outside right away. If there are changes to be made, I'll provide updates here.