OmniaDrop Ender 3 faceplate
This is a remix of Dutchassassins Ender 3 mount for the OmniaDrop. To mount the faceplate completely disassemble the X-Carriage and attach the faceplate using the bolts of the V-Slot wheels. To add more rigidity use two ISO 7380-1 M3x6mm screws and two ISO 7093 M3 washers for the old Ender 3 hotend mount, as well as two ISO 7380-1 M3x10mm and two ISO 7093 M3 washers for the other two M3 threads on the X-Carriage. This is however and optional choice. Attach the OmniaDrop using two ISO 7380-1 M4x25mm screws, four ISO 7089 M4 washers and two ISO 10511 M4 lock nuts. A second option to attach the OmnniaDrop is to print the model "E-Plate-Threaded-Inserts" and using a soldering iron press two M4 thread inserts into the faceplate. For this option you need two ISO 7380-1 M4x16mm screws and two ISO 7089 M4 washers.