Welding Rod Joining Jig
When my welding rod becomes too short to manage, I was taught to tack it onto the end of another rod to use every last inch. I made this holding jig to simplify that. Fits 1/16" and .045" rods. It uses two glued-in 10mm x 2mm magnets that hold the jig to your table, hold the rods in their place, and provide the grounding connection between the two. So MAKE SURE THE MAGNETS ARE WELL SEATED or you won't get a clean circuit. I also noticed that if your rod is longer and wobbling back and forth it will try to bounce out of the jig toward the center of the magnet, so just stabilize it for a second before letting go. ***The V5 jig has deeper pockets to hold the rods and wider numbers which print without dropped lines. It also uses 4 magnets instead of 2 to increase contact between the rods and the table for better grounding, and the magnets will protrude slightly to ensure contact. All the dimensions are generally more fine-tuned. link for fitting magnets: https://www.amazon.com/Adhesive-Magnets-Permanent-Building-Scientific/dp/B07KMXSLRB/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1TV7ZD15TVZMT&dchild=1&keywords=10x2+magnets&qid=1592314443&sprefix=10x2+ma%2Caps%2C217&sr=8-2