Crack The Code Safe Puzzle Box

Crack The Code Safe Puzzle Box


This is a 3D printable version of my laser cut Arduino based Crack The Code puzzle box. You use a dial on the front to input a guess for the randomly generated code to the safe and 8 LEDs on the front of the safe then tell you how many of the digits you've guessed are correct and how many are in the correct place as well. Using this feedback and iterative guesses, you can work your way towards cracking the code and opening the safe. Here's a full step by step guide to building your own Crack The Code Puzzle Box - Or have a look at the video of the build and the box being opened on Youtube - The safe box should be printed with the front opening facing upwards. You may need to add supports for the box front lip before printing. The patterns on the sides and top are not as pronounced as on the laser cut version as they would then also require supports, which would likely result in a messy finish. They only protrude 0.5mm which shouldn't require any support on most printers. Also, the cutouts for the LEDs and the encoder on the front door may need adjustment depending on your printer's tolerance.






