Ender 3 PSU Support for MrScottFletcher's Led Light Bars

Ender 3 PSU Support for MrScottFletcher's Led Light Bars


This is a PSU support for the heavy end of MrScottFletcher's LED strip halo made here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3282716/files I found that mine sagged over the PSU partially because I have a small tool caddy in place where the regular supports go and also because that is where my power cord and remote receiver hang off of the led strip mount. The PSU looked like a good mounting point for a little extra support. This is my first design made completely by myself, though I consider it a remix as it is an addition to MrScottFletcher's awesome LED halo. It's simple but I felt great knowing I was able to design it myself. I hope it's helpful for others like myself who found it useful.



