Ender3 fans mount

Ender3 fans mount


Fans mount (hotend cover + fan duct) for creality ender 3 stock. Designed especially for printing ABS. Only cools the radiator. No air flow around the nozzle. Work with stock fans. Use all stock screws, if you don't put a fan cover. To put on a fan cover, you will need longer screws. It's recommended to print the parts near the heat block, in a material that resists heat well (like ABS). Temperatures next to the heating block can reach 90-100 °C This thing is made up of 4 parts (each one can have several variants): -- fans support -- fan duct -- fan cover -- cable fixation ### fans support 4 variants with 0, 1 or 2 cable guide: -- fansSupport_withCableGuides.STL -- fansSupport_withCableGuide1only.STL -- fansSupport_withCableGuide2only.STL -- fansSupport_withoutCableGuides.STL **print settings:** -- Layer Height: 0.2 mm -- Wall Thickness: 1.2 mm (3 Wall Lines) -- Top/Bottom Thickness: 1 mm (5 Layers) -- Supports: Everywhere ### fan duct The bottom of the duct should be between 1 and 1.5 mm above the nozzle. So several variants of different heights: -- fanDuct_height24.0mm.STL -- fanDuct_height24.5mm.STL -- fanDuct_height25.0mm.STL -- fanDuct_height25.5mm.STL -- fanDuct_height26.0mm.STL -- fanDuct_height26.5mm.STL -- fanDuct_height27.0mm.STL Personally, for my printer I use the height 25.5mm. **Test above water:** <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6DWr4B2ddDo" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> **print settings:** -- Layer Height: 0.15 mm -- Initial Layer Height: 0.15 mm -- Wall Thickness: 1.2 mm (3 Wall Lines) -- Top/Bottom Thickness: 1 mm (7 Layers) -- Supports: Touching Buildplate -- Top/Bottom Line Directions: [0,90] ° (to improve infill on overhangs) -- Skin Overlap Percentage: 10 % (to improve infill on overhangs) -- Top/Bottom Speed: 20 mm/s (to improve infill on overhangs) -- Support Overhang Angle: 20 ° (to avoid deformations on the rounded overhang) ### fan cover This fan cover cannot be mount with the stock screws, you will need longer screws. **print settings:** -- Layer Height: 0.2 mm -- Wall Thickness: 1.2 mm (3 Wall Lines) -- Top/Bottom Thickness: 1 mm (5 Layers) -- Supports: Touching Buildplate ### cable fixation This part is used to hang on the cables of the carriage to along the extruder motor, and remove the cable ties attached to the PTFE tube. This part is not compatible with the original extruder. It is made for the extruder in aluminium, which many people own. You will need an additional cable tie to hang on the cable to this part. You can use one of those supplied with the printer as spares. **print settings:** -- Layer Height: 0.14 mm -- Wall Thickness: 1.2 mm (3 Wall Lines) -- Top/Bottom Thickness: 1 mm (8 Layers) -- Supports: Touching Buildplate -- Minimum Layer Time : 30 seconds (to minimize deformations of ABS on thin parts)



