Mechanical endstop and zero-point for MPCNC

Mechanical endstop and zero-point for MPCNC


This thing is created as a mehanical endstop for your MPCNC (25mm tubes) and does three jobs the same time: 1. It's an mechanical end stop and prevents the axis to destroy your corners! 2. It can be used to start your MPCNC always at the exact same position. You probably have a grid on the table with screwed inserts, you can use now mor precisely. 3. You can start your MPCNC (give power to the steppers) with perfectly parallel axes. Therefore just push the axes against the endstops before plugging in the MPCNC. You need to print the endstop 4 times to create always the same home position (zero point) of your X and Y axis or even 8 times to add and mechanical endstop to the maximum travel distance of your cnc mill.. Screws and Nuts for 4 Endstops 8x M4x20 (same as used for the MPCNC feet) 8x M4 Lock-Nut





