Parametric Minidisc case

Parametric Minidisc case


This is a parametric (Fusion 360) model for a storage case that can hold minidiscs. I've designed this to take various parameters, which enables you to change them and have the model automatically rebuild itself. The values I used to build the STLs provided: num_discs - Set this to the number of discs you want disc_depth - 65mm (61mm without sleeves) disc_height - set to 82mm (73.6 without sleeves) disc_width - set to 9.5mm (6.6mm without sleeves) If you would like to change dimensions, just set the them in the parameters list and re-export the STLs. (Make sure you make these slightly larger than the disc dimensions to allow for printer tolerances). This will mean you'll need to edit the Minidisc Logo position. I couldn't figure out how to position the Minidisc Logo SVG relatively in the model, so it's placed manually. I've included the SVG file in case anyone wants to re-position it in the design.






