Foosball Covid screen
A Covid / Corona shield for your foosball / tablesoccer -table. Clean the handles and wash your hands before and after. Measurements : Our table has a length of 140 cm. I used an acrylic sheet of 100x70 cm x 2mm (old pictureframe from Ikea). It is a little thin but it works. The wooden rods are 18x23 mm (innerspace parts = 19x24mm), have a length of 34 cm and goes up at an angle of 60 degrees. Calculating your rod-length (see picture): If you have a different table- or sheet-size, calculate the distance from the edge of the table to the edge of the centered sheet (A). Double that length and substract 6 cm. I assume that the rod is cut straight (resulting in the 6 cm to substract). Rod-length = 2xA - 6 It is adjustable so it is not that precise example: table = 140, sheet = 100 ==> A = (140-100)/2 = 20 Rod-length = 2xA - 6 = 2x20 - 6 = 34 Happy foosballing :) Ps. Stp-files are included.