Strap Clamp (Remixed)

Strap Clamp (Remixed)


I really like the Strap Clamp by ariz0na, but I did not like that I had to tighten it by spinning the wheel. My remix uses a handle to tighten the clamp. set the clamp in place, adjust the strap and rotate the handle to tighten or loosen the clamp. I merged the Clamp object and the Wheel object after flipping the wheel 180 degrees. I removed the nut insert on the Clamp Corner object. The Clamp Belt object is unchanged from the original Thing. The Handle Husky object from Nut driver handle by wkarraker was used as the tightening handle for the clamp. I filled the hex hole on the bottom and created a round hole that goes a bit deeper to epoxy the 6mm threaded rod. I ground the end of the 6mm threaded rod so the end against the Clamp Corner object goes into a smaller 4mm washer and spins against a larger 6mm washer. EDIT: I forgot to add the piece to hold the excess strap neatly. Roll the excess strap onto the Clamp Strap Holder and secure with a rubber band. This remix requires: 6mm threaded rod washer for 6mm bolt washer for 4mm bolt epoxy (for the handle) The clamp and wheel portion did require a tiny bit of support under the wheel portion. Everything else was printed without supports.







Hand Tools