3M Compatible Respirator Air Filter Cartridge

3M Compatible Respirator Air Filter Cartridge


This design is for a 3M compatible respirator filter cartridge that can accept a variety of filter media. Since FDM prints are porous and must be filled and painted to be properly sealed, this design is based around a PVC clean-out plug to minimize this effort. These plumbing parts are cheap, strong, and widely available. The design attempts to accommodate plugs made by any manufacturer. Parts for two sizes are included: 3" and 4". A drilling guide, filter material trimming template, and painting masks are included to make construction easier. Included also are detailed instructions with pictures of each step. Note that only the 3" version has been tested. Please contact me with any errors or suggestions. If it is desired to filter both inhalation and exhalation air, your respirator mask's valves will have to be disabled. An overview of this process in included in the instructions, but since models vary, it is necessarily general. Be aware that this design makes no warrantees about merchantability, effectiveness, or suitability for a particular purpose and is provided as-is. It was created by someone with no medical or epidemiological training. Use is at your own risk.






