Wild Onion Lad

Wild Onion Lad


https://www.5esrd.com/gamemastering/monsters-foes/monsters-by-type/plants/alliumite/ This is what happens when pixie dust starts landing on onion patches. Pixie dust should not be messed with! This is a (sort of) 28mm scale miniature, suitable for tabletop roleplaying games such as Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder. No base is supplied, but is scaled to fit on a small sized base (19.05mm / 3/4 inch diameter). Please note that as a small humanoid, there will be small features and delicate bits, a small diameter nozzle or a resin printer is recommended. These strange lads are supposed to be half as tall as halflings, which would frankly be too small to print or paint, so it has been scaled up a bit. "Alliumite Wild Onion" is squat and smaller, "Alliumite Wild Onion Bigger" is scaled up a bit. Try whichever you like, scale it as you please! [Click here to get the pre-supported Chitubox file for this mini!](https://www.patreon.com/posts/38939726) [If you like my designs and want to help support me, consider supporting me on Patreon!](https://www.patreon.com/clayrade) [or, if you aren't into Patreon, you can buy me a coffee!](https://ko-fi.com/clayrade) [or, if you'd like to take a look at my premium model sets, check out my Gumroad!](https://gumroad.com/clayrade) [And follow me on Instagram!](https://www.instagram.com/clay.rade/) This is based on the Alliumite from the Kobold Press Creature Codex, a fantastic supplement to 5E with tons of creative and fun new monsters to throw at your players! I'm not being paid for this, I just happen to own the book and like it a lot! [Click here if you'd like your own copy, no referral link!](https://www.amazon.com/Creature-Codex-Wolfgang-Baur/dp/1936781921) Alliumite @ Creature Codex. © 2018 Open Design LLC; Authors Wolfgang Baur, Dan Dillon, Richard Green, James Haeck, Chris Harris, Jeremy Hochhalter, James Introcaso, Chris Lockey, Shawn Merwin, and Jon Sawatsky.



