Tofu Press Spinner Tool
I thought spinning the nuts down on those tofu presses widely available online was a PITA, especially once they got cranked down far. So, I thought if I could find a deep well socket with slits, it would work perfect to use in a drill to crank those things quickly down and up. I found thing 3124609, then imported the stl into tinkercad, made slots, and printed it. I printed it with the Cura experimental fuzzy skin feature so I could get a better grip on it if I was using it without the drill (which still might be beneficial, since its hard to get a hold of the spinners on the press when they're far down). If you make this, you will need to use a drill with a clutch, and keep it clutched down, otherwise this tool WILL break... But, if you remember to turn your clutch down, it works well...