Cat shaped night light
This is a funny night lamp which can light your children's bedroom :) It fits into standard 200x200mm print-bed. Print the frame "d_frame.stl" in black color, and the "d_back.stl" in white color. Print different face pieces in different colors of your choice. Semitransparent SBS plastics do well for this application. But even colored PLA is translucent enough in a thin slab (about 1mm). Depending of your particular plastic and on your LEDs and their placement, you probably have to scale some details over Z-axis when slicing. It's a bit experimental and iterative work to achieve a good light quality from each part. So my approach was to print all details in the same small thickness (1-2mm), then glue them to the frame. Then put the LED-part at the place (see below) and check how nice different parts look. For those parts which are too bright, I printed separate pieces from the same or from white plastic and glued them inside. See the "details.png" picture for finding out different detail names. Electrical part: Take several bright diodes. I used four BL-FL760RUWC LEDs ( In the "d_led_frame.stl" detail, drill tiny holes for diode legs and put diodes into them. The "d_led_frame.stl" has a cross-like shape, I have put two of my diodes almost at the ends of vertical beams and the second pair in the position of cat's eyes. Eyes locations are marked with tiny squared holes on the detail. Then connect all diodes in parallel and solder power wires. I used 5V power supply from an old mobile phone. Finally "d_led_frame.stl" should be glued to the "d_frame.stl" at the very top edge. But don't do it before several tests for brightness (see above). The detail should provide enough friction to be put in place without gluing for tests. After the led frame in glued to the main frame, put the white "d_back.stl" panel. It keeps in place just by friction.