Gameboy Advance Wall Shelf with Charger Mounts

Gameboy Advance Wall Shelf with Charger Mounts


I modified one of my husbands shelves to hold my Gameboy Advances. The thumbnail [Gameboy] logo I used was a No Derivatives file, so I changed the logo to one that can be distributed. It looks 99% the same, you can barely tell at all. Mine pictured was a double cable mount, but I redesigned a single shelf for people with only one. Both of the actual designs are in the grid pictures above. You shouldn't have to scale down the single shelf, but I recommend hanging it lower for display purposes and not at eye level. THIS DESIGN WILL NOT PRINT RIGHT WITHOUT SUPPORTS. DO NOT FORGET THEM. Temp: 215 C Infill: 25-30%, for single and double shelves respectively. My shelf in particular was printed with an 8mm nozzle, but it can also be done with 4mm. Cheers!






