Desk mounted articulated light with magnifying glass

Desk mounted articulated light with magnifying glass


Desktop magnifying lamp with articulation. Picture shown is V1.5 without the reinforced arms and desk mount. Didn't bother to re-print since it works and holds the light well All parts but the desk mounts can be printed without supports The desk mounts are specifically designed for the IKEA standing desk which is about 22.5mm thick. There is a slight 1" diameter indentation so you can add some padding for additional hold or to protect your desk from scratches Magnifying glass salvaged from cheap helping hands The LEDs are oriented so that they can be easily soldered in series if you rotate them as in - out - in - out fashion. The switch can be used to turn on/off or adjust brightness/color or whatever you want. Takes 2 pins on the Tiny85 (1 led and 1 button) and can be powered directly from the board using the 5V and GND leads. The top and bottom are held together using four pieces of filament. The fit is a little tight on purpose since it's supposed to friction hold the base and top together. All joints are also friction held and locknuts are used instead of regular nuts so that adjusting does not loosen the nuts Parts: Magnifying glass WS2811 LED X 8 8 - 32 screw & locknut X 6 Digispark Attiny85 module X 1 Momentary switch X 1 10K resistor







3D Printing