X-SCARA - 3D printing ARM
Updates **** `05/Sep 2021` - Firmware 0.4 Beta release (Bed leveling support, Homing, Calibration) `31/Ian 2021` - Firmware 0.2 Alpha release (Coordinate system, Basic printing) `17/Feb 2021` - Hardware revision 5 (heated bed accessory) `17/Feb 2021` - Hardware revision 4 (calibration test part for printing X-SCARA) `14/Feb 2021` - Hardware revision 3 (magnetic end stops support) `14/Feb 2021` - Hardware revision 2 (extruder mount redesign) `25/Jun 2020` - Published first hardware revision About *** SCARA machines were left behind in the 3D printing opensource community. X-SCARA is a project attempting to bring this wonderful mechanical model in-line with all others: Cartesian, H-Bot, CoreXY, Delta etc. The next steps are to add end-stops for automatic calibration, extruder mount with support for part cooling, and support for attaching a bed to the machine. Homepage *** Any update and new releases will be posted here: https://github.com/madl3x/x-scara Firmware *** Firmware is functional and the first version was published here: https://github.com/madl3x/x-scara/tree/master/firmware It uses a trivial calibration process and no endstops for X and Y axis. Printing and assembly *** All latest parts and assembly instructions are available here: https://github.com/madl3x/x-scara/tree/master/hardware Social media *** Videos: https://www.instagram.com/p/B_1869HHR33/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B_-lutInGj7/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CAYq4KyAgMe/ Let's print!