RV USB Outlet Fast Charger

RV USB Outlet Fast Charger


The factory USB charging outlet was greatly lacking in ability to charge in a reasonable time. It failed after a couple years of use. The problem was that it was very shallow due to the 2" wall depth found in RVs. The replacement charger https://amzn.to/3dy4p7a is a fast charger with dual 3 amp outlets. It also features an on/off switch to limit ghost current draw on the vehicles battery. Due to the increased depth of this outlet the cover is made thicker, it has recessed holes to allow the reuse of the factory screws. There is also a cover that protects the electrical connections from inadvertently contacting the framing or siding of the RV. This cover is held in place with a zip tie. I opted to solder a piece of lamp cord to the back of the new outlet and replaced the short section of small gauge wire. More info and the Fusion 360 files are available here https://azjake.com/rv-dual-usb-charger



