XYZ Davinci Spool Holder with Bearings

XYZ Davinci Spool Holder with Bearings


This is a REMIX of an Ender 3 Spool Holder modified for use on the XYZ 1.0a and other printers. This uses only two skate board bearings, 608 style. (RS, 2RS, ZZ all will work) There are 2 versions. One is the parts broken out and you have to glue the backplate and holder together. These can be printed without supports or with limited supports flat on the bed. The other is complete stl which will need full supports or done on a resin printer. The 2 Rods are for the bearing axles. One for each. FDM, 30% infill. ABS or PLA or like material. Resin, hollow the model to 3 mm. The lid will need some cutting work to allow the filament through properly. (see pictures) Wind the spool with the filament coming up from the Switch side.



