Star Wars Kijimi spice runners blaster ( PPSh-41 mod )

Star Wars Kijimi spice runners blaster ( PPSh-41 mod )


I always felt it unfair that Russian WWII weapons are not present in Star Wars universe. So after that I decided to fix this! I found this interesting homemade blaster, in the star wars the rise of Skywalker visual dictionary in the part for Kijimi, which looks like PPSh-41. I took the picture and use it here as visual reference. I used a PPSh-41 model from sketchfab and a DL-44 conversion kit for the scope and muzzle brake. Two models uploaded, with muzzle brake integrated and with original PPSh-41 muzzle shroud. EDIT: I added two alternative scopes from A300/A280 and from DH-17 with some gribbles which look closer to the one on the picture. I believe that the one on the picture is from DH-17. Enjoy ;)



