LoRaWAN GPS Tracker Enclosure

LoRaWAN GPS Tracker Enclosure


This is a simple enclosure for DIY LoraWAN GPS Tracker, based on ATMega328P microcontroller, Quectel L80-R ultracompact GPS module with an embedded patch antenna, and Hoperf RFM95W LoRa long range communication module. The PCB is powered by a single 3.2V AA sized LiFePO4 rechargeable battery. All components of the GPS tracker are mounted on the back side of the PCB, except the battery, which is mounted on the front side of the board. The enclosure consists of two parts, top and bottom case. The PCB with all components side is mounted on the bottom case and fastened with a single M2.5 screw. In this way the battery remains of the top side of the PCB, that makes its replacement easier when needed. The top case covers the PCB with all components of the GPS tracker, together with the battery. There is a small hole on the top side of the enclosure where the LoRaWAN antenna could be connected. The enclosure can be printed with standard PLA at layer height 0.2mm and layer width of 0.48mm (standard for 0.4mm nozzle).






