Wanhao D7 MKS DLP Conversion
This is the first ALPHA part produced to convert my old Wanhao D7 to use the new MKS DLP board, and also update the UV LED to the same used on the LD-002R. Historically the Wanhao D7 was a pretty horrible machine, it was a super early release for the tech and the only thing good about it is honestly the robustness of it. the electronics were immediately hacked upon release to run NanoDLP as the concept of having it tehtered to a PC as a 2nd screen was considered unacceptable by most. Also the LED provided was notoriously inadequate causing a lot of printing problems simply because it couldnt cure the resin in a proper manner fast enough. So i'm pulling this old machine out of the corner, dusting it off and seeing if its still worth using. V1 - Initial Release, next version will place the remote USB for the front panel.