3 cactus pot (remix from Eric Roos)

3 cactus pot (remix from Eric Roos)


I love my cactus, i call them my children (ok, it's pathetic...), and i love this amazing design from Eric Roos. It is said that cactus like a good drain, roots should not be left dripping in water. Still i didn't want to have to clean "under the pot" each time i water them. So i tried make the bottom part of the cactus pot design less "open" to reduce the drain (to be honest, it didn't work, zero thickness doesn't print well...i should redo it). Secondly, i tried to design a support for the 3 pots, so the water is not spilled each time i water them. But again, the outcome of this pot support design is really not great : the 3 pot supports is a bit fragile...i should reinforce the walls...I would advise to print it with more wall thickness for reinforcement. Naturally, I wanted to try to make the PLA waterproof as well. So this was my first attempt : increase PLA flow to 102% (in cura settings) to make it more solid. So, overall, this beautiful design from Eric Roos, that i allowed myself to very slightly alter, is tagged "work in progress". Edit : made a V2 for the bottom part. Previous one was too fragile.






