Low Profile Netatmo Relay Faceplate for UK Wall Boxes

Low Profile Netatmo Relay Faceplate for UK Wall Boxes


After creating my original faceplate design, https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4320328 I swiftly realised that I could bring it even nearer to the wall surface with a little remodelling. But as I was completely out of white filament, I shelved the rework until I had some more in my possession. Now I finally have some, this is the revised design for your perusal. I have deliberately made this with a larger surface than the standard UK switch plate. I'd like to claim that I did this in order to make the new faceplate stronger, to balance its reduced thickness and the absence strengthening ribs on the new design. ...Yep, I'd LIKE to say that; but it's not true!! The sole reason for doing it was that the stud wall where my thermostat lives is covered with poor quality 9mm dry wall board. Repeated removal and refitting of the original, and the various printed iterations afterwards, caused the edges to crumble away. So it now looks terrible with a correctly sized plate. This larger surround simply covers the damage. ...And, err, provides extra strength to balance its reduced thickness etc! :P:P You'll need to flip the stl so that it's face down, and use support on the build face to brace the recessed area where the Netatmo mounting block sits when fitted. The holes in the recess are simply markers for the fixing screw centres. File them out to the appropriate size for whatever mounting screws you use in your installation. Other than that it's a straight swap for the previous design, and requires the dry-lining box to be modified in the same way as the first. Refer back to that one, and all will become clear. I'm finally happy with how it looks, and intend to keep it exactly as it is. Unless, of course, I ever get around to repairing the dry lining board!





