Desk Shield - Protective

Desk Shield - Protective


Designed by 3DReactions to meet the needs of our local community. This is a pretty simple design and looks like an upside down face shield. Our company had a lot of clear plastic PETG sheets remaining from making face shields so we decided to put those sheets to good use. In talking to some of our community leaders we found that there was a strong need for desk shields so we wanted to make something that would be easy to print and put together. The PETG sheets we are using are .03" sheets which are great for a face shield but a bit to floppy to stand on their own. The curve shape of this model creates enough rigidity in the clear plastic to keep it upright and stable. We punch 2 small holes in the bottom of the PETG sheet to secure the sheet to the base 3D Print. Then we use readily available command strips to secure the entire desk shield to the surface. We have added top pieces to help keep the curvature on top and to prevent users from accidentally getting cut on the top corners of the PETG sheet which can be sharp. This shield fits a 24x24" PETG sheet, and we have gone as high as 26". However, anything taller than 24" will start to become unstable on the top when hit. We are going to work on an attachment to keep taller versions rigid, but for now keeping them to 24" high will make them stable. We hope you like our design, we will be selling the clear PETG sheets on our website shortly and will update our post here with that information depending on interest. 6/21 - The top pieces were missing from the thingi files, so we added them.






